Here are some questions customers have asked...
Vaxol Olive Oil Spray has a simple yet unique delivery system capable of delivering a unit does of olive oil into the outer ear reducing over application and without mess or spillage.
The removal of earwax is known to significally improve hearing and balance. In some cases it may be necessary to have your ears syringed, however if you have been using Vaxol the syringing will be more effective.
Practice Nurses and Doctors now advise patients to use olive oil prior to syringing, this is to soften and remove earwax. In doing this, the syringing process is less evasive and more effective.
Administering olive oil manually is both difficult and messy; it is also very hard to judge the exact amount of olive oil required. However by using Vaxol you can be assured that you are delivering the correct amount of olive oil required.
Vaxol Olive Oil Spray is a simple and effective method of softening or naturally removing earwax and thus reducing the need for syringing or to facilitate syringing should it prove necessary. Once your ears have been syringed you can use Vaxol regularly to maintain healthy ears.